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1 The Optimist  Tue, May 24, 2011 10:22:50am

1. Does a Palestinian whose great great great grandfather voluntarily left Israel in 1948 in order to see it destroyed, as the vast majority did, have any remaining rights in Israel?
2. The Arab nations have practiced 63 years of apartheid with Palestinians who have lived in their country and only in their country for four generations. Where is world concern about the cause of their problems?
3. When will Palestinian leaders start telling the truth to their people?

2 calochortus  Tue, May 24, 2011 11:20:58am

re: #1 Venezuela lover

I have to disagree with your first point about great great great grandfathers voluntarily leaving Israel. You'd have to fit in some fast reproduction to do that in less than 65 years.
And I will probably be downdinged for this, but if there is a war raging in your neighborhood, you might well leave your home to avoid it. Many of the people who did so were deemed by Israel to have abandoned their property and were not allowed back. This creates a very difficult problem and honestly I don't know how it should be handled, but there are presumably some people still living who lost their land in that fashion, almost certainly some who were children at the time that their families fled.

But as to the topic at hand, Herman Cain is obviously unsuited to hold high political office at this point.

3 What, me worry?  Tue, May 24, 2011 4:09:43pm

I'm still trying to get past this question, "Do you think the Palestinian refugees who WERE KICKED OUT IN 1948..." Really bad question for a Fox news guy who is supposed to know better.

No one was kicked out of anywhere. The land was partitioned and the Arabs didn't accept the partition, choosing instead to make war on Israel.

What about the right of return for Jews, or reparations from the Arab countries who kicked them out and confiscated their property and possessions in 1948? That actually happened and yet you don't hear a peep out of Jews about this.


4 Michael Orion Powell  Wed, May 25, 2011 1:02:49am

This is a really special kind of fail that Herman Cain pulled off here. Conservatives often get really belligerently pro-Israel because their pastor or someone seems to have told them that Israel is full of Jews and thus will fulfill prophecy. That's what Cain is definitely speaking to here.

The best strategy in my view, for the United States, would be to look at most like a neutral arbiter in the Israel/Palestinian situation as possible. This will take alot of the wind out of the sails of Arab dictatorships that direct their people's rage toward the United States (a strategy that has already lost alot of its power).

5 terraincognita  Wed, May 25, 2011 5:29:11am

With apologies to Herbert Hoover, perhaps Herman Cain could coin a campaign slogan, "a chicken in every pot, a pizza in every oven."

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