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1 Randall Gross  Fri, Sep 2, 2011 12:29:14pm

Leave it to the moonie times...

2 Bulworth  Fri, Sep 2, 2011 12:33:37pm

"Victimology....dominate large swathes of American life,"

Victimology, yes. There is indeed a great deal of victomology from our poor oppressed reichwing.

3 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Sep 2, 2011 12:55:49pm

Hm, looks like Jeffrey Kuhner was not on the cc: list for the memo.

MLK was a Republican Messiah, who came in colored negro african-ameri.... OH FUCKING WHATEVER form, to free the blacks from the Democrat Plantation!

But since they have heritability of intelligence issues, they didn't listen to his simple message of how they too can become rich if they would only strike out at big-government overreach like what Montgomery Public Transportation had! But noooo, they went and listened to Eric Holder and Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, instead!

Now thanks to their slavishness to the democrat plantation, Obama The One is the Simon Legree of the whole entire werrrelddddd!!! !!!

/conservative revisionism

4 Prideful, Arrogant Marriage Equality Advocate  Fri, Sep 2, 2011 3:58:35pm

Are all black Americans on welfare? No. Are there a lot of white Americans on welfare. Yes. Who imprisoned the white Americans in their welfare state? Oh i think i know their pathetic answer, LIBERALS.
Then go tell my right Wing-Obama isn't a real American -Tea party in laws to quit sponging off my MIL and us, put down the Meth pipe and get off welfare. It has never bothered me they were on welfare, and trust me, people don't live high on the hog on welfare.
Most people on welfare either really need it or are, like my in laws, living such a sad existence it's cheaper to have them on welfare then pay the high price of having them stealing and in and out of prison. Where by the way, they can get quality health care.

5 docproto48  Fri, Sep 2, 2011 7:23:57pm


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