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1 Rightwingconspirator  Oct 25, 2011 11:12:12am

Can’t wait for the conspiracy theorists to get this. LOL.

2 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Oct 25, 2011 12:21:15pm
3 Bob Dillon  Oct 25, 2011 12:39:02pm

re: #2 000G

WOW! You get a Gold Star and 2 up-dings for being on the bleeding edge 4 days ago.

4 Bob Levin  Oct 25, 2011 3:49:53pm

This is actually a very important article, and might just be the tool that OWS and the rest of us at GTW (Going to Work) and SAH (Sitting at Home) really need.

This model might be the first step.

The problem with capitalism, as I’ve said before, as this model shows, is that the flow chart for smart business decisions tilts the floor so that all of the wealth marbles run to one corner. I actually think that no one wants this, even the 1%, because they risk losing everything. You don’t need another French Revolution for this to happen (sorry, Karl). It happened just a few years ago.

Now, if there are a series of decisions, proven decisions, that are available that will reduce the slope of the floor, even getting it to occasionally reverse, that section of decision tree will be most valuable to, say, the executives of Barclay’s. After all, Barclay’s began in the early 18th century, making loans and getting capital to flow into the English countryside, the location of the new factories that ran on water power. In other words, they jump-started the events leading to the Industrial Revolution.

The business of the 1% is to create business. They’ve just done a pretty poor job, which creates more pretty poor.

5 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Oct 25, 2011 4:10:44pm

re: #3 Bobibutu

WOW! You get a Gold Star and 2 up-dings for being on the bleeding edge 4 days ago.

I wonder who broke this story initially, though, because that paper was first submitted on July 28.

6 Bob Levin  Oct 25, 2011 4:13:49pm

re: #5 000G

Oh, we have not been paying attention. You can re-post this every day as far as I’m concerned.

7 Bob Dillon  Oct 25, 2011 8:45:39pm

re: #5 000G

I wonder who broke this story initially, though, because that paper was first submitted on July 28.

Somethings just take a while to bubble up to the surface. There could have been a conspiracy to suppress tho. /

8 Bob Dillon  Oct 25, 2011 9:11:42pm

re: #4 Bob Levin

There are and have been structures and methods in place for creating wealth for individuals and families outside of the “business” system for a long, long time without the use of equities, Wall St. or banks.

Problem is, that Wall St. and the banks have most of us “educated” on how to do it their way (which does not work well - except for them). And funny, how it happens, most of the government financial folks come from Wall St. & the banks. i.e., SecTres. etc.

It has, in the past, been the realm of the rich and highly educated (think Wharton). Problem here is that the structure must be customized for each individual - there is no cookie cutter. It is thru the use of specific proprietary insurance products, existing laws and integrated with the (ever-changing) tax code coupled with eliminating transfers and downside risk, custom fitted to each individuals abilities and desired outcomes that makes it work. Not exciting cocktail party chatter unless you are a financial and/or legal geek.

9 Bob Levin  Oct 25, 2011 11:27:03pm

re: #8 Bobibutu

That would be an interesting history.

10 Bob Dillon  Oct 26, 2011 5:47:40am

re: #9 Bob Levin

That it is.

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