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1 Goosestepping Obama Tina Brown(New Dance Craze)  Thu, Apr 12, 2012 2:29:07pm

Sorry Mr. Pell but it isn’t Judaism that is suffering from a child molestation PR disaster!

2 researchok  Thu, Apr 12, 2012 3:04:45pm

I see a clerical retirement in the near future.

3 cat-tikvah  Thu, Apr 12, 2012 3:22:35pm

Wait, he’s amended his remarks. Rather, “Historically or culturally unequal might have been more appropriate than intellectually.”

I feel much better now. Human evolution may be progressing, Catholic evolution (in terms of the hierarchy and grand high poo-bahs) seems to be regressing.

Read more: [Link:…]

4 Bob Levin  Thu, Apr 12, 2012 3:45:32pm

I guess someone’s getting too close to revealing his role in the cover-up of certain morally and intellectually superior crimes.

New Jewish Motto: We ARE cognitive dissonance.

5 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Apr 12, 2012 3:47:26pm

This must be the pastor for Mel Gibson’s family.

6 Buck  Thu, Apr 12, 2012 5:21:16pm

Interesting that the Egyptian people and Persians have been lost to history. Today’s Egyptian people don’t speak the same language, have any of the same culture or anything else in common with the empire of that day. Same with the Iranians and any common string with Persians.

Yet those Jews speak the same language, have the same religion, the same cultural identity as those “poor - the little Jewish people” of history.

7 Obdicut  Thu, Apr 12, 2012 6:03:05pm

re: #6 Buck

Jews don’t speak the same language. Some Jews speak a descendant of ancient Hebrew.

8 Obdicut  Thu, Apr 12, 2012 6:05:37pm

What the fuck is going on with this, anyway? This antisemitism cropping up in the Catholic church is freaking bizarre. I don’t remember anything like it, and then in the last couple years, a bunch of weird shit.

9 The Ghost of a Flea  Thu, Apr 12, 2012 6:20:00pm

re: #6 Buck

Interesting that the Egyptian people and Persians have been lost to history. Today’s Egyptian people don’t speak the same language, have any of the same culture or anything else in common with the empire of that day. Same with the Iranians and any common string with Persians.

Yet those Jews speak the same language, have the same religion, the same cultural identity as those “poor - the little Jewish people” of history.

You’re forgetting that there had to be an active revival of Hebrew in the 19th century.

Also, the line from Old Persian to Farsi, aside from loanwords, is an unbroken linguistic development with few changes to the root grammar.

10 HappyWarrior  Thu, Apr 12, 2012 8:26:38pm

re: #9 The Ghost of a Flea

You’re forgetting that there had to be an active revival of Hebrew in the 19th century.

Also, the line from Old Persian to Farsi, aside from loanwords, is an unbroken linguistic development with few changes to the root grammar.

Was the revival of Hebrew related to the rise of Jewish self-awareness in Europe during that same time? I know Herzi was strongly influenced by the Dreyfus Affair in France and I imagine the pogroms in Russia, which actually got worse in the late 19th century during Alexander III and later Nicholas II’s reign in Russia. Anyhow the Archbishop can go to hell. Really pathetic to make the claims he did especially the one about the Germans suffering more than the Jewish people. Typical of Nazi apologists to do that though.

11 The Ghost of a Flea  Fri, Apr 13, 2012 6:45:23am

re: #10 HappyWarrior

Was the revival of Hebrew related to the rise of Jewish self-awareness in Europe during that same time? I know Herzi was strongly influenced by the Dreyfus Affair in France and I imagine the pogroms in Russia, which actually got worse in the late 19th century during Alexander III and later Nicholas II’s reign in Russia. Anyhow the Archbishop can go to hell. Really pathetic to make the claims he did especially the one about the Germans suffering more than the Jewish people. Typical of Nazi apologists to do that though.

Truthfully, I don’t know the political side of the revival very well. My awareness comes from the linguistic analysis of the process.

And the archbishop is an absolute dick. His analysis of history is deeply, deeply flawed regarding all the areas he references and decidedly bent away from giving credit to the Hebrews, but his diminishing the impact of the Holocaust is just disgusting. I really hope he gets the boot, or at least censured.

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