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1 Destro  Wed, Sep 5, 2012 8:35:53am

Mork from Ork? So this confirms my thesis that the reason Obama is not ahead of Romney by double digits is poorly informed old white people - and there are a lot of them it seems.

2 Daniel Ballard  Wed, Sep 5, 2012 9:01:47am

re: #1 Destro

Mork from Ork? So this confirms my thesis that the reason Obama is not ahead of Romney by double digits is poorly informed old white people - and there are a lot of them it seems.

Not just them old white folks. The connection between any President and a recession (or depression) is basically a propagandistic myth that is promoted by the other party-each and every time. Fault or praise them all you want for their responses, but blaming them is (in economic cause and effect terms) pure BS.

3 Destro  Wed, Sep 5, 2012 12:09:35pm

re: #2 Daniel Ballard

Not just them old white folks. The connection between any President and a recession (or depression) is basically a propagandistic myth that is promoted by the other party-each and every time. Fault or praise them all you want for their responses, but blaming them is (in economic cause and effect terms) pure BS.

While I agree the relationship between presidents and the economy has been overblown - ever since Reagan used it as a prop against Carter - I will add that that the economic ideology of the Republican party since Reagan - limited govt spending, reducing taxes, trickle down, deregulation, free trade job losses (and not preparing the country for it because it was unpopular to be honest about it and it conflicted with limited govt ideology) and Wall Street deregulations all contributed to the Great Recession.

So I do lay the blame at the Republicans and some Democrats. even Obama has done little to reverse this economic ideology of Reagan's for the most part.

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