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1 SanFranciscoZionist  Wed, Nov 7, 2012 9:05:04am

This is a recurrent Freeper fantasy. Someone posted something last night from one who claimed he had hired 'a liberal' solely so he could fire him in revenge if Obama won.

It's not impossible that someone, somewhere, has done something like this, but I think that overwhelmingly it's a fantasy of people who do not have employees, do not have hiring and firing rights, and didn't actually do anything like this. It's symbolic, representing their notion that 'their side' are the employers, the producers, the makers, and that they can deal harshly with the parasites of the world, here cast as the liberals, if things do not go their way.

I suspect some of them don't even have jobs, let alone companies where they call the shots. Notice, if you read the comments, that many of the Freepers don't even believe this happened.

2 Destro  Wed, Nov 7, 2012 9:16:26am

re: #1 SanFranciscoZionist

Someone posted something last night from one who claimed he had hired 'a liberal' solely so he could fire him in revenge if Obama won.

You can find that and other comments in my post during election night results:

Conservatives lose their minds online at news Obama wins 2nd term. Calls on God to smite USA in retaliation, secession.


And while some, as you said in that thread, don't believe this happened, some do believe it or wish it was true. Imagine this people with this mindset in power over your lives. 51% of the voters did and voted against them.

3 funky chicken  Wed, Nov 7, 2012 10:20:01am

Hey, if it happened, discovery's a bitch. It would be really easy to win this lawsuit once subpoenas went out for phone records and interviews of the friends of this idiot begin. Any Floridians lose their job today along with 7 coworkers?

4 Aligarr  Wed, Nov 7, 2012 1:13:45pm

If true , there are Lawyers sitting in the wings salivating .

5 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Nov 7, 2012 3:59:19pm

re: #3 funky chicken

Hey, if it happened, discovery's a bitch. It would be really easy to win this lawsuit once subpoenas went out for phone records and interviews of the friends of this idiot begin. Any Floridians lose their job today along with 7 coworkers?

It would indeed be fun to watch the guy who planned to name his mansion "Versailles" be (metaphorically) guillotined in court.

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