
Creationist Clip 'n Save

Dar ul Harb4/22/2009 5:35:56 pm PDT

Dear Chuckie,

I’m a
[] longtime poster who’s stunned at your new direction
[] lurking downdinger
[] sockpuppet

who just read your post on
[] the British National Party
[] Robert Spencer
[] Pamela Geller
[] someone who once appeared on The Political Cesspool
[] Eurofascism
[] Gates of Vienna

and I am feeling
[] defensive
[] saddened
[] betrayed, befuddled, bewildered
[] so angry I could spit

I am not a fascist apologist. Some of my best friends are
[] neo-Nazis
[] blood-and-soil Europeans
[] neo-Confederate skinheads
[] *mumble*

and according to the great
[] Alex Jones
[] Lew Rockwell
[] Ron Paul

there are too many of those people. You know who I mean.

What about
[] Zionazis?
[] 9-11 was an inside job?
[] mass deportations?
[] the central bankers?
[] racial holy war!

Huh? I’m just saying we have to fight jihad. In conclusion
[] you’re an Obama stooge
[] I’ll be praying for you
[] Just sayin’
[] Please delete my account

[your signature here]