
Amazing Spider-Man #35, 'The Molten Man Regrets..!'

Nimed6/02/2010 10:41:26 pm PDT

Gonna re-post this in case anyone someone is interested in International Law legalese…


From Reuters.


Israel’s Blockade is Legal.


I’ve been digging a little into this myself, since the legality of the flotilla boarding can’t be judged independently of the legality of the blockade. Here are some links in addition to Reuters:

Alan Dershowitz (on HuffPo!) - flotilla is legal, no question about it.

Washington Post - “International law experts differ over the legality of the Israel action”, then cites the experts.

Opinio Juris - flotilla is probably not legal, but hard to say.

Basically, the discussion is all about what is the proper legal label for the conflict between Israel and Hamas: a “state vs. state” war, a civil war, an international armed conflict, etc. There’s no adequate precedent, it seems, and plenty of elbow room. The last link even mentions the blockades made to the Confederate States of America as precedent…