
Gary Johnson formally announces Presidential Bid

wrenchwench4/21/2011 9:21:07 am PDT

Check out who Gary was hanging out with a month ago:

Judge Andrew P. Napolitano
G. Edward Griffin
Tom Tancredo
Gary Johnson
Sheriff Richard Mack
Stewart Rhodes
Dr. Richard Davis
Dr. Kirk Elliott
John M. Chambers
Paul St. John
Mark Cross
Fred Brownbill
Joseph Farah

[That’s from the drop-down menu labeled “Confirmed Speakers”.]

I count five (six counting Gary himself) that I consider intellectually and/or morally bankrupt. The others I am not familiar with.

In 2008, Gary Johnson voted for Chuck Baldwin for president. Baldwin was the candidate of the Constitution Party.

I don’t think Gary Johnson is any better than Ron Paul. I have yet to see anything to make me think Libertarianism has anything to offer as a political option.