
Tuesday Evening Open

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus5/17/2011 8:40:44 pm PDT

Newt has to play dodge-ball:

Gingrich showered with confetti, faith questions

Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich refused to be pinned down Tuesday as a believer in creationism or evolution as the origin of human life during a gathering of Minnesota social conservatives, where he also endured a protester’s confetti shower.

The former House speaker adopted a nuanced stance in the thorny debate over how life first formed, telling his Minnesota Family Council audience that both theological and scientific views can be right.

“I believe that creation as an act of faith is true and I believe that science as a mechanical process is true,” Gingrich said at an afternoon session that preceded a more formal address. “Both can be true. I don’t think there is necessarily a conflict between the two.”
The answer left skeptics among the audience, the type Gingrich is working particularly hard to soothe in the early days of his campaign.

Retired plumber Marty Gavic said Gingrich’s unwillingness to embrace creationism is a strike against his candidacy.

“When he talks about God in government, then I believe if he’s a Godly man he should say that ‘I believe God created the heavens and earth because that’s in the Bible,’” said Gavic, who was among a few dozen people who sat through a screening of a film Gingrich co-produced on religion in American government.


Uh-oh, the GOP “base” isn’t digging Newt’s “nuance”.