
After Lengthy Floor Debate, New Hampshire General Assembly Approves Marijuana Legalization

jvic1/16/2014 12:00:09 pm PST

The bill was introduced by a Republican:

HB 492, introduced by Rep. Steve Vaillancourt (R-Manchester) with a bipartisan group of four co-sponsors, would make the private possession and home growing of limited amounts of marijuana legal for adults 21 and older. It would direct the New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration to license and regulate marijuana retail stores, cultivation facilities, product manufacturing facilities, and testing facilities. As amended by the House, it would enact a wholesale tax of $30 per ounce and a sales tax of 15% per ounce. The House voted down a similar bill 228-89 in 2012.

“This measure will take marijuana cultivation and sales out of the uncontrolled underground market and place them in the hands of licensed, taxpaying businesses,” Simon said. “Law enforcement officials will be able to spend their time addressing serious crimes instead of arresting and prosecuting adults for using a less harmful substance than alcohol.”

60 percent of New Hampshire adults support HB 492, according to a WMUR Granite State Poll released in October by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center. Just 36% said they are opposed.

That gave me hope that the various factions on the Right are finally starting to walk their talk about limited government. Unfortunately:

Support for recreational marijuana legalization is strongest among liberals (73 %), young adults (60%), Democrats (69 %), and listeners of NH Public Radio (62 %). Opposition is strongest among Tea Party supporters (55% oppose) and Republicans (55%)

They’re all for limiting the powers of government, except for outlawing things they disapprove of. sigh