
Ann Coulter At CPAC: Democrats Want Immigration Reform For 'Warm Bodies, More Votes'

EiMitch3/08/2014 5:53:39 pm PST

I’ve watched part of that, and it failed to catch my attention. I just couldn’t really get into that movie.

What? You’re not talking about that zombie romance flick? Oh, sorry. The zombie-like photo threw me off.

women have no capacity to understand how money is earned. They have a lot of ideas on how to spend it…

So, is Ann Coulter coming out as a man or something? I mean, she served in office, but thinks women shouldn’t vote? Wtf? Or is she just desperately trying to pander to the worst men in this country?

What? She said that back in 2001? Again, my bad. I need to pay attention the first time around.

So-o-o was she declaring that she knew best how to spend our taxes or something? Or am I just trying too hard to fathom crazy?