
New Video: Birthing the Solar Age

1Peter G17/02/2014 8:53:50 am PDT

Hmm. It is certainly progress. Here is why you are wrong however: forty percent of the oil extracted from the ground is not used for energy. It is the basic raw material for an industrial society. Virtually everything we make that isn’t made of wood or metal or animal hides or stuff like cotton is made from oil. What we don’t have is an alternate sources of hundreds of millions of tons of raw materials or alternative processes for using it if we did.

Frankly Elon is a bit of a huckster. There aren’t any electric powered farm tractors or tractor trailers that are going to deliver food to you. And there isn’t going to be until someone invents more than a few currently non existing technologies. There is no battery with the necessary energy density to do more than what Elon already does which is to sell an expensive grocery getter for rich people who can afford to drop a small fortune on a new battery pack every few years. And that isn’t going to get cheaper with volume production because the supplies of lithium suitable for extraction are already under demand pressure. Me, I’m betting on hydrogen. It has much more potential.