
War Criminal in the US

De Kolta Chair10/24/2014 10:36:07 am PDT

Human Rights Watch’s take on the tribunal from August 16, 2013:

Bangladesh: Azam Conviction Based on Flawed Proceedings
Analysis Outlines how Fair Trial Rights of Accused Seriously Compromised

The trial of Ghulam Azam, the former chief of Bangladesh’s Jamaat-e-Islaami (Jamaat) party, at Bangladesh’s International Crimes Tribunal was deeply flawed and did not meet international fair trial standards, Human Rights Watch said today.

The problems with the Azam trial are manifold, and lead to the inescapable conclusion that there has been strong judicial bias towards the prosecution and grave violations of due process rights. The victims of these crimes and their families deserve real answers, which can only be found through fair and transparent proceedings. […]