
Anti-Vaxxers Are Idolizing the Amish, Inexplicably

EiMitch1/06/2015 1:17:29 pm PST

Emphasis added:

The first tip, according to this article, is not getting vaccinated: “In spite of constant pressure from the government, the Amish still refuse to vaccinate.”

Nope. Most Amish parents vaccinate, but even then, the relatively low overall vaccination rate in the community fueled a massive measles outbreak in Ohio’s Amish country earlier this year.

However, its suggestion that Amish food contains no GMOs is bunk—some Amish farms do use genetically modified crops for financial and efficiency reasons.

Basically, Olga Khazan is shooting fish in a barrel. For all intents and purposes, she is Fisking an anti-vax/anti-gmo puff piece so delusional that it deserves to be painted with the same brush as climate change denial and creationism.