
Friday Night Jam: The Weepies as Action Heroes: "No Trouble"

austin_blue7/31/2015 8:18:41 pm PDT

OT: (obviously, I view these jams as all-skates)

NPR had a report that the fight over the defunding of PP may prevent the House R’s from passing a budget before September 30th, when the fiscal budget ends.

A government shutdown!

Over the donation of fetal tissue for research!

These people are just mouth-breathers, feebs, and defectives. The law is settled. The actions of PP are legal, and the benefits of fetal tissue research are blatant. PP isn’t profiting (the processors are, though) and the research institutions must have feedstock.

Is it uncomfortable to see fetal tissue discussed as a commodity? You bet. But the fact is that cutting-edge medical research requires stem cells as feedstock, and the best feedstock comes from women who, trying to have something good result from a gut-wrenching decision to terminate a pregnancy, volunteer their not quite yet humans as organ donors.

The opponents are vultures who have no scruples, and in the long view, no humanity. They are fanatics and political hacks. Their ultimate purpose is to do away with birth control entirely, make no mistake.

Their Utopia is The Handmaid’s Tale.