
Rod Dreher: Rush Limbaugh hits racial bottom, digs

directorblue9/16/2009 7:42:52 pm PDT

Down-dinged for this reason:

President Obama’s supporters are the most racially divisive group in American history. Consider:

If you disagree on policy…

if you disagree on the logical fallacies that Obama claims as fact (adding 47 million to the health care rolls while reducing costs; America spends too much on health care, but insurance companies are too stingy; …I got a million of ‘em…)…

If you disagree that Obama’s socialized medicine program is a clear violation of the Constitution and the codified limits on the federal government…

Well, if you disagree with all that… you’re a frickin’ racist!

Get it?

Never mind that Republicans opposed socialized medicine under FDR, Truman, Clinton and now.

You’re a frickin’ racist!