
The Marketing of Madness

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus4/05/2011 10:51:51 pm PDT

The wikipedia entry on the group who is behind this movement:

The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) is an advocacy group established in 1969 by the Church of Scientology and psychiatrist Thomas Szasz.[1][2][3] The group promotes several video campaigns which support views against psychiatry. The organization holds that mental illness is not a medical disease, and that the use of psychiatric medication is a destructive and fraudulent practice.[4] The CCHR continues to be entirely controlled by and subject to policy directives issued from the Church of Scientology. The group is headquartered in Los Angeles, California.[5]

I’m not implying that one can’t legitimately criticize the practice of psychiatry or be concerned about the use or abuse of psychotropic drugs, but frankly Bobibutu you post links (like with the Mises guy right after this link) from sources that indicate you can’t or won’t discriminate between high quality sources and low quality ones.