
Yes, Gingrich and Other Republicans are Delusional About Oil

Interesting Times12/16/2011 10:54:27 am PST

Excellent page. I’m just going to add this report from Cornell University:

Pipe dreams? Jobs Gained, Jobs Lost by the Construction of Keystone XL (PDF)

Table of contents

1. Introduction
2. Main Findings
4. TransCanada Will Spend $3 to $4 Billion in the US, Not $7 Billion as Claimed
7. KXL Will Generate 2,500-4,650 Construction Jobs
8. Most Jobs Created Will Be Temporary and Non-Local
11. KXL Steel Manufactured Outside the United States
15. Construction Services: Engineering/Design/Technical/Support
17. Perryman Study Deeply Flawed and Provides No Sound Basis for Jobs Claims
22. Total (Direct, Indirect, and Induced) Jobs from Keystone XL
27. KXL Will Have Minor Impact on Unemployment Levels
28. Four Ways Keystone XL Could Be a Job Killer
35. Conclusion: Employment Potential from KXL is Little to None; Decision
should be based on other factors