
Facebook, Microsoft Release Data Request Numbers

allegro6/15/2013 11:05:43 am PDT

I think much of the visceral reaction to this is righteous fear of the larger and more impactful issue of privacy loss in general. Personally, I don’t have any issue with this particular NSA thing with the information I have about it. It does however tie into privacy issues I have serious problems with and why my knee has tried to jerk a few times.

I do have major issues with using arbitrary credit scores to deny employment, car insurance, apartment rental, etc. and making those files open to anyone without authorization. I have major issues with drug testing for employment when it is meaningless and everyone knows it. I have huge issues with invasions of personal privacy such as medical issues. I also note that all of these privacy invasions -real, actually life destructive actions - are not government invasions, but corporate.

Methinks this diversion is working.