
Savage Onion Satire: Ohio Replaces Lethal Injection With Humane New Head-Ripping-Off Machine

Skip Intro5/22/2014 4:09:53 pm PDT

So I’m running Chrome on my older Macbook Pro, and things seem fine, then I get this in one of my tabs: “He’s Dead, Jim!”

Assuming the worst, I do a mild panic. “Those #$@%%hole malware ba#$#@$#@s got me” goes through my mind.

Shut the computer down, go to a backup to do a search for what caused this, and I come across this at Google Chrome Help:

“He’s Dead, Jim!”

You may see the “He’s Dead, Jim!” message if the operating system has terminated the tab’s process due to a lack of memory. Computers rely on memory to run programs. Low amounts of memory can cause programs to run slowly or stop running altogether.

Alternatively, if you terminated the process using Google Chrome’s Task Manager, the system’s task manager, or with a command line tool, this message will appear as well.

Real funny guys.