
A Conflict of Visions: Ideological Origins of Political Struggles

Syrah4/20/2009 12:00:14 am PDT

re: #9 Sharmuta

It’s the difference between reality and fantasy. The unconstrained is more emotion based because it’s not grounded in the reality of human nature. Accepting that nature is to accept the cold, hard reality of life.

“Arrested development” comes to mind.

I am still doubtful about how someone can change from unconstrained to constrained or the other way round. The core difference is huge. Bigger than big. Or, so it seems to me.

I can see how some one may decide that they were unwittingly parroting things that they had not thought deeply about and then changed their outward views to more rightly reflect their inner views, but I don’t understand how a person can be “persuaded” to change in their inner view.

This is something that bothers me because if as i suspect, that people only very very rarely change their inner view, then we are looking at something that only changes in a culture at a generational pace. Like a glacier, slow and for all practical purposes, unstoppable.