
Air Force's Mega-Bunker Buster Bomb Is Finally Ready

EiMitch7/26/2012 4:53:23 pm PDT

re: #4 Destro

You know how many scuds the USA destroyed on the ground during the last 2 wars against Iraq? Zero, nada, ziltch.

You know what was the most effective method? Sending special forces on dune buggies to find them and even then they got only a couple.

Secondly, to go in and use these bunker busters means you need to initiate a full scale air attack and sustain it so that the bombers can go in and survive and then go in again and again in cases where they missed.

So that is why I wrote sabotage and sanctions are the true way to fight this new scourge. Anything else is just getting off on war weapons porn.

Wow! You knocked that strawman’s head clean off.

First of all, you were arguing that rockets appropriate for delivering WMDs could be manufactured in spread-out locations like AK-47s or something. Hiding finished products is much easier than hiding an entire manufacturing process, making your history lesson irrelevant.

Second, I wasn’t arguing for or against war. I was simply nit-picking the notion above. It sounded like Michael Bay logic, only with fewer explosions.

And third… … No, actually thats all.

re: #9 sliv_the_eli

Is there an echo in here? j/k