
A Double-Bind Wrapped in a Paradox Hidden Through the Looking Glass

researchok8/18/2012 2:56:07 am PDT

re: #9 Destro

More bullshit.

All the examples you previosuly cited had nothing to do with the original post.

So yes, you are inded doing what I said you were doing- pretending your ‘pivot and attack’ over so many replies were somehow relevant, and not deceitful.

They were not and again, highlight yor propensity for deceit.

The ‘dance protest you refer to is nothing of the kind I mentioned, not even close. Where did they directly challenge the settlement buildings? Again, you insist on a distraction as being relevant. Of course, you are inadvertently bringing attention to deliberate violence against settlers. Recall the parents and three children aged between three months and 11 knifed to death in their West Bank home

And the ‘Happen all the time’? Why would you continue draw attention to your own deceit? If there were protests which directly challenged the building of settlements happened ‘all the time’ there would be thousands upon thousands of such examples of such examples of the last couple of decades!

Also, even you must know the ISM is not a Palestinian movement. In fact, it is an organisation that has exploited the Palestinians to serve their own causes and agendas for many years.

Had you taken the trouble to do a search on this site about the ISM, Rachel Corrie and so on, you would realize the vacuousness of your own arguments.

Finally, I had to laugh at your attempt to change the subject once more with a silly question- a pivot and attack that only highlights your own lack of critical thinking skills and lack of even the most basic of argumentation skills.

Please, feel free to try and respond and dig yourself a deeper hole.