
Saturday Morning Podcast: The Bubble Genius Bob & Chez Show, With Yours Truly

A Mom Anon10/24/2015 11:45:23 am PDT

The Kid had a great first day on the job. His new schedule for the week is around 25 hours with the possibility of more with one on call day (for four hours, if someone calls in sick they’ll call him). So glad for this kid, he has earned a break. I just hope no one bullies him or gives him shit and ruins the experience. I told him if after 6 months there was no raise in pay or increase in hours, he needs to look elsewhere. He also has a choice to join a union here, so I’m going to look into that, there’s lots of perks like discounts on cell phone plans and other things.

Now if we weren’t about to go under financially I could exhale. Sigh. And with that, I gotta go be productive in some form. BBL.