
Anti-Choice Group Edits Out Planned Parenthood Adoption Discussion

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)5/31/2012 7:30:30 pm PDT

re: #91 freetoken

I expect all this anti-PP propaganda to bear some of the fruit the religious right wants. They will not stop now, they will not stop tomorrow.

It is not clear to me how the upcoming elections will turn out.

I guess the WI recall election will be the first real test.

Today Romney got Nancy’s endorsement - more Republican royalty. There are still millions of people out there who worship the Reagans. Romney will get most of the traditional Republican voters - only the very hardcore fundamentalists will not vote for him, and they are likely in number only in states which Romney will easily win anyway.

It was a foregone conclusion that Mitt would get most of the tradtiional Republican voters. What he needs to do is give them a reason to come out in mass for him and simply not being Obama won’t do that. I’ve seen the folly of campaigns who operate under “Well I’m not my opponent”. It doesn’t work and it won’t for Mitt.