
Video: Rachel Maddow Digs Into the Origins of Todd Akin's Weird Biology

Birth Control Works8/22/2012 6:04:29 pm PDT

re: #53 freetoken

The idea that if any consciousness is in the energy that is not destroyed during death would not be the same as ME is difficult to comprehend. ME includes my consciousness, my body and that thing no one has yet defined in science —mind, soul, ka, whatever.

The idea that thousands of years of superstition has a better hold on that “whatever” than science does is really stupid, IMHO. My belief’s about such things are private and don’t involve anyone else’s person or rights.

People seem to need to hang on to that idea that ME lives on after death. NO thanks, when I’m done, I’m done. The only pat of me that lives on is the part that became my child, the work that I have done and hopefully a few kind thoughts in the minds of others.

Why isn’t that enough for people?