
Sarah Palin Calls on 'Peaceful Muslims' to 'Refudiate' Their Own Religion

Kobalt7/20/2010 2:58:51 pm PDT

I appreciate you taking the time to reply. I used to be a more faithful reader of your page and I thought I had a pretty good idea of how you think about things, but apparently I was mistaken, so let me ask you these then I’ll leave you alone:

1) Do you have any problem with the history behind the mosque’s name?

2) Do you have any problem at all with its purported grand opening date?

3) Do you think the location of this mosque is at all in “bad taste?” (Can you understand how calling a building containing a mosque near Ground Zero a “tribute to the victims of 9/11” would be considered “bad taste?” because if it wasnt for Islam, 9/11 wouldnt have happened)

On an unrelated side question I’ve always wanted to ask: Do you believe the following site to be accurate in its reporting?
