
Poll: Republicans Suddenly Realize Their Medicare is Getting Cut Too

moderatelyradicalliberal4/19/2011 1:48:02 pm PDT

Oh, this is good. Is our Democrats learning?

Democrats say Republicans showed their true colors when they voted to blow up Medicare as we know it last week. Now, as members return home for the holiday recess, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) is making sure people know about the vote, with a new ad campaign that targets 25 members across the country.

The TV ad imagines a future where Medicare recipients are left in the lurch once a proposed $15,000 annual health insurance voucher runs out. It shows seniors trying to make up the lost Medicare cash by mowing laws, selling lemonade and stripping at parties.

“How will you pay?” the spot asks.

The DCCC says it will run the ad in Speaker John Boehner’s Ohio district if they can raise $25,000 in the next 48 hours.

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