
Turkish Journalist Who Took Cropped Photos Tied to IHH

Nimed6/10/2010 12:17:17 am PDT

re: #996 Slumbering Behemoth

Wrong. And I am not weaseling out of anything. Any system that legitimately allows for separate legal systems to rule over separate “classes” is a system that is “separate but equal”. Maybe even “separate, but some are more equal than others”. Allowing for Sharia law, or any other religious law in a secular society, fits that bill.

This is fun. Your arguments are getting increasingly stupid with each post. Now you’re casting aside the historical meaning of “separate but equal” (a NON-VOLUNTARY system of segregation) to make up your own definition. Hey, n***er for me is just a word for a particularly strong variety of coffee.

How you can possibly and continuously trip on a dick so short as yours is entirely inconceivable to me.

I realize everything is relative, and my dick couldn’t possibly compare to the sheer quantity of bullshit that has come out of your mouth tonight and that presumably had to get in at some point. I really don’t want to know the details.

/Okay that last sentence was totally unnecessary, gratuitous, insulting, and mostly for comedic effect. I actually have no idea how long your legs are. I won’t blame you nor anyone else for down-dinging this post.

LOL This is just Pathetic. If you’re going down that road, at least don’t be a weenie about it.