
Ann Coulter and the Council of Conservative Citizens, Part Deux

mcmeador2/18/2009 3:04:00 pm PST

Argue yourself into a corner and resort to cursing and name-calling in an attempt to fight your way out of it…pathetic. You can’t even see the obvious flaw in your argument. You argue that people aren’t born to believe in a higher power simply because not everyone does, but that homosexuals are born to be homosexual despite the fact that not everyone is a homosexual. You use an “all or nothing” principle for religion, but not for homosexuality.

Yeah, not everyone is blonde, brunette, or redheaded. But what’s your point? That in no way refutes what I’m saying. That only reinforces that some people are born one way, while some people are born another. This simple matter of common sense makes your conclusion that religion is not a predisposition simply because not everyone is religious completely and utterly absurd.