
Video: IDF Footage of the Gaza Flotilla Raid

godofbiscuits5/31/2010 4:20:19 pm PDT

This action had nothing to do with a blockade.

Blockades block. They don’t board. The turn away or hold at bay.

And you need to make up your minds. Were they organized and ready to be the aggressors in a fight? Or do you count fighting off heavily armed Israel soldiers by using “metal poles and chairs” and “throwing the soldiers overboard” to be a first-attack posture or a defensive, make-shift one?

It’s a sign of delusional mind—in this case, specifically group-think—to believe you’re always right no matter what.

Israel was the initial aggressor in the region. The Jews were the ones who felt capital-E Entitled to serve up a Diaspora of their own to the indigenous peoples who used to live in what is now called Israel.

“We’ve suffered enough so we deserve it!” they said.

How petulant. The cries of a child-minded, churlish people armed to the teeth with the resources of a superpower.

What does that make you, O Israel?

Compress all the pain and suffering at your hands over your 62 years of existence into six years and I wonder which way Blind Justice’s scales would tip.

The difference between depriving a person of an hour of his life and his life is only a matter of degree: you’ve done violence to him, stolen unrecoverable life energy from him.

And there’s no end in sight for Israel’s continued campaign of violence toward others.

The world will condemn what Israel has done, except perhaps the USA. Too many Israeli hands in too many pockets here.