
Feel Good Video of the Day: Cambridge Resident Unloads on Alex Jones Clown

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus4/29/2013 12:28:29 pm PDT

I’ve taken my eye off the Paleocreeps the past week… which is good for my mental health, but I just checked and noticed that PaleoPat had another full on anti-brown-people article a couple of days ago.

The article is titled “The Dark Side of Diversity”. The banner uses an abbreviated version of his last sentence: “Why are we bringing all of the world’s quarrelsome minorities into our home?”

Most of the article is an anti-Islam rant, with a long laundry list of the sins of Islamicists, real or imagined.

But then he concludes:

What benefit do we derive as a people to justify the risks we take by opening up America to mass migration from a world aflame with hatred and hostility over race, ethnicity, culture, history and faith?

Why are we bringing all of the world’s quarrelsome minorities, and all the world’s quarrels with them, into our home?

What we saw in Boston was the dark side of diversity.

See what he did there?

“Dark” == Islamic terror.
“Minorities” in this case become equated with Islamic terror, and “dark”ness.

It’s a welding together of racism with anti-Muslim under the guise of protecting America from terrorism.

This is the racist right at its word-smithing best.