
Dazzling Stop Motion Animation: The Fall

kirkspencer3/13/2013 7:08:34 pm PDT

re: #94 HappyWarrior

The race really reminded me a lot of 2004 but I do think Kerry was a better candidate than Romney. I for one can’t wait to read the inside story about what went wrong with Romney.

I agree, yet I think at core Romney’s problems were pretty much the same as Kerry’s.

He isn’t, wasn’t, a politician. He wasn’t comfortable with people. We’ve had presidents who could be that way - starting with John Q Adams - but in these days it’s pretty much a non-starter. It was part of Gore’s problem (and Lieberman was no help). If Ryan runs in 2016 it’ll be a problem for him.

We want to think, to believe, that this person we’re putting in charge will listen to us.