
Thursday Night Music: Steely Dan, 'Kid Charlemagne'

Zimriel6/11/2009 6:53:24 pm PDT

D&D update!

I posted here earlier that I’ve been refusing to buy 4th edition stuff, because Hasbro sucks. But I’ve recently found out about Pathfinder, which is the “new gaming system” which happens to be designed by D&D’s designers (wink, nudge).

What looks daunting is the sheer volume of material they are selling for this thing. Gulp. It looks like everyone who ever wrote for TSR / WotC has migrated over and churned out 96 page modules.

Anyway the game world they’ve set up looks Greyhawk-ish: lots of separate cities, nations, and wilderness; peopled by the usual elves and orcs. But the individual nations look interesting. It has some fun in-jokes: the region which is constantly falling apart and executing the last revolutionary regime is named “Galt”. Someone’s been playing Bioshock.