
30,000 Pro-America Libyan Demonstrators Ransack Islamist Compound in Benghazi

simoom9/21/2012 5:02:27 pm PDT

This is the same guy who paid for the full page “Obama’s Real Father” NY Post ad; seems he’s direct mailing out a whole lot of DVDs:

An anti-Obama movie claiming — without evidence — that President Barack Obama’s real father is an obscure African-American communist has been mailed to 1.5 million voters across the country, its creator told BuzzFeed Friday.

A reader in Ohio emailed this photo of his free copy of the film Dreams From My Real Father, which claims that the Chicago activist Frank Marshall Davis is actually President Obama’s father. He received it in the mail this week.

The film’s director and producer, Joel Gilbert, said that the film had been sent out to more one million voters in Ohio; 200,000 after a mid-summer conference, and a million after that. He said that 50,000 copies had been sent to voters in Nevada and 100,000 to voters in New Hampshire.

“We’re sending out bulk mailings to many states,” Gilbert said. “Probably Illinois, New York, Florida, Arizona, Louisiana, we’ll hit every state if we can to stimulate and force the national media to cover the story.”

Gilbert declined to say how much his company, Highway 61 Entertainment, is spending to distribute the film for free, but said that the film was making a profit through online orders. He also wouldn’t say how the company is funded and how they come up with the money to distribute so many free disks, saying “We’re a private media company, a journalistic company that’s privately held and we don’t disclose the nature or makeup of our finances.”

It’ll be interesting to see if I get one, as I’m in one of the targeted swing states. This sort of thing gets into similar territory as the nasty smears against John McCain in the 2000 SC GOP primary — just on a larger scale.