
Video: No Global Warming in the Last 10 Years?

libertyvillemike9/08/2009 1:46:48 pm PDT

Of course both sides of this argument are being financed by interest groups. Is Greenpeace less biased than Exxon? Who cares! Look at the data and draw your own conclusions. I have (credentials include two degrees in engineering, and I have specifically worked with heat transfer) and the science of global warming is far too unclear to take any actions, let alone those being prescribed. Michaels was warning the “deniers” to not make false statements, because the “denier” side only gets one chance. The pro AGW side get’s unlimited chances, as evidenced by the Goracle and his movie. And speaking of Gore, I don’t remember there ever being a debate (he has avoided offers to debate like he has avoided salad bars) - just when was the debate over?