
Seth Meyers: Trump Issues Threats Amid Bolton Impeachment Bombshell [VIDEO]

Captain Ron1/28/2020 3:31:01 am PST

re: #98 Anymouse πŸŒΉπŸŽƒ

Heh, so as I said, in winter we have phone line problems. Our internet speed was getting spastic so I reset the modem to see if it could negotiate a better speed. it came back, but without phone service. Outside the house and our modem the phone line is fully digital. the modem decodes that and creates a VPN for Internet, and a VPN for VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol (Internet Digital Telephone)). The modem generates the β€œphone line” and the phone connects to it. We called AT&T and they were able to reset the phone line through their system.