
Mob Mentality at Town Hall Meetings

JRHelgeson8/08/2009 9:11:41 am PDT

Hang on here - These town halls were not violent or out of control until Obama dispatched the SEIU and ACORN thugs. Prior to their involvement, the people in the town hall would challenge the lies as soon as the speaker said them. The attendees would not accept a false premise upon which they could start building their argument. So- what do you do once your audience challenges every lie and prevents the establishment of a false premises?

You cancel the meeting, Like the AARP did, the reps walked out, and came back in to disconnect the microphone and take it with them so that the AARP members could not continue the meeting in spite of it being canceled.

You claim that they are showing up with swastikas like Nancy Pelosi did. You smear and discredit the people who oppose you, then you have union thugs and acorn nuts show up as the brute squad in order to shut us up… so then what. Are we then just supposed to shut up? Are we now supposed to just let them build their false premises and lie to our faces and just take it?

Charles? Really? Just shut up and drink the kool-aid?