
Overnight Video: Parigot

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)10/08/2011 8:05:27 am PDT

re: #82 Killgore Trout

For me it’s been a reminder that the sword cuts both ways. For me the Left has lost all credibility to criticize the Tea Party. The lefty rallies are just as bad, in my opinion the lefty rallies are actually worse because of the violence. It has dampened my enthusiasm for exposing right wing extremism.

The ‘violence’ has been pretty minor.

The biggest example of ‘lefty’ rallies that we’ve had were the anti-war marches, which were vastly, vastly, vastly larger than these Occupy protests.

Other examples are stuff like the gay rights marches, the pro-immigrant marches, etc. The Wisconsin rallies were far larger than these.

These protests are not by the mainstream left. The Tea Party types really are the mainstream right these days. I fully agree with you that there is the danger of the extremist types at these rallies gaining power on the ‘left’, but at the moment it is only a danger.

I’m going to be heading down there today to do some on the spot polling; unscientific, ad-hoc, but hopefully in some way illuminating.