
Breaking: Andrew Cuomo Backs Down - Health Workers Exposed to Ebola Will Self-Quarantine at Home

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus10/26/2014 7:12:41 pm PDT

Speaking of troublesome… I see that National Racists Online are working hard to keep their hard earned moniker.

I missed, because I don’t read stuff over there, that Kevin Hang’em Williamson favorable referenced Samuel Francis in a column last week.

This comes but a few days after Charles Cooke favorable refers to Peter Brimelow:

Crying ‘Racism’ on Ebola


Over the past few decades or so, “racism” has become one of Aesop’s wolves, “racist” having been converted into such a depressingly quotidian charge that even those who believe racial injustice to be ubiquitous have come to resent the frequency with which it is alleged. Conservatives have long rolled their eyes at the wanton manner in which their ideological opponents have sought to tarnish them with the word — Peter Brimelow famously observed that, in so many instances, the definition of a “racist” is a “conservative who is winning an argument” — but, of late, we have been joined in irritation by other fair-minded sorts who have just about had enough. Earlier this year, George Will noted correctly that on college campuses and beyond, the charge has “become a joke among young people” — to the extent, even, that discussions of the topic are being received with “mirth.” Their inquiry? “What wolf”?


And then yesterday Nordlinger comes straight out of the closet and asks:


Okay. This brings me to American politics of the moment: President Obama is apparently planning big immigration changes after the congressional elections. He will effect these changes by executive order. I think it’s perfectly kosher to ask him and the Democrats right now, before November 4, “What exactly do you guys intend? What kind of America do you want?”

I don’t think that raising such concerns makes you a Klansman. And if they tell you you are, tell them to stuff it.

Reality is this: NRO is a haven of white supremacists and their marginally aware self-defeating (e.g., Williams) adherents.