
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Total Power

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus4/15/2020 4:36:07 am PDT

Florida deems WWE pro-wrestling ‘essential business’ amid coronavirus pandemic

Initially, WWE was not designated as an essential business which meant the company would have to comply with the governor’s shelter-in-place order, Demings said. However, after the company, led by chairman and CEO Vince McMahon, had “some conversation” with DeSantis’ office, the company was granted the distinction, according to Demings.

According to a memo from DeSantis’ office on April 9, essential workers in Florida included “employees at a professional sports (league) and media production with a national audience — including athletes, entertainers, production team, executive team, media team and any others necessary to facilitate including services supporting such production — only if the location is closed to the general public.”

The memo is dated the same day that McMahon’s pro-Trump super PAC announced a $26.6 million investment in broadcast TV ad buys set to run in the fall in the battleground states of North Carolina and Florida.

Always follow the money.