
Dobson Resigns from Focus on the Family

pupdawg2/28/2009 8:55:07 am PST

re: #35 pingjockey

I have a 9 year old and Sponge Bob is just a frakkin’ cartoon. All it promotes is leave jelly fish alone, they sting! Sheesh. What a bunch of loons.

So was ‘Fritz The Cat.’
Not to mention the brutality / violence depicted in ‘Woody The Woodpecker’, Tom & Jerry, Road Runner, Bugs Bunny, Quick Draw McGraw cartoons or the overt racialism, drug usage combined with violence shown in many of the early ‘big studio’ cartoons or the sexual promiscuity, lack of morals of Betty Boop or the sexism combined with immaculate conception apparently exhibited in ‘The Smurfs’ or ‘Popeye’ and extreme violence and sexual angst or…the list can go on and on and on. Cartoons have been and will continue to be a tremendous ‘negative’ influence over us all if only for the advertising patterns shown during their programming. Even the Teletubbies are tainted. Someone recently referred to American youth as receiving their education in front of a television and in as much as this statement has a lot of truth in it, this education if you look at the majority of mainstream and cable programming has and continues to be an overall ‘negative’ teacher to student relationship with commercialization being the paramount ‘101’ course for all.