
Another Monckton Climate Change Fraud

Dr. Shalit5/13/2009 4:29:49 pm PDT

re: #80 quickjustice

I’m a climate change skeptic, but I also think the issue must be addressed in the context of many global issues. If Monckton is dishonest, then he hurts the cause of climate change skepticism. As a skeptic, I don’t doubt the scientific evidence that climate is changing. I doubt that human activity causes the changes. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be concerned about the changes.

And if we must confront the changes, causality aside, I prefer Lomberg’s approach. Let’s prioritize solutions rationally, and not emotionally.

quickustice -

As the dominant species on Earth, I am sure that we cause SOME CHANGE.
That said, the questions become:

1. How Much?

2. Does it Matter?

3. IF it DOES MATTER - What Can We Do About It?

4. Might the CURE be WORSE than the DISEASE, at least to our Species?

To me - those are the real questions.
