
Is It Really "Ridiculous" to Say Trump's "Star of David" Tweet Was Antisemitic?

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus7/04/2016 6:28:56 pm PDT

re: #97 Jay C

My working hypothesis is that America is in the throes of a turbulent transition towards a post-Christian nation.

Given that a great share of American Christianity has been of the fundamentalist stripe, and a large swath of these are caught up into fantastical ideas of a magical future, and that fantasy includes something labeled “Israel”, it then follows that in becoming a post-Christian nation that our collective views of “Israel” are going to be challenged.

The failure of the late 20th century Apocalyptic themes of Christian fundamentalist America - that is, there in fact has been no Apocalypse - said fundamentalists are discredited in their own eyes.

I think this has added fuel to the apostasy, if I may use that term, we see in young people, whose parents are fundamentalists, who are now becoming “nones” or perhaps those still-rare “liberal Evangelicals.”