
Iran Calls for All Muslims to Attack Israel

lawhawk3/04/2009 8:53:32 am PST

re: #77 Kosh’s Shadow

0bama told Israel to get out of Gaza before he was inaugurated, or else. But he’s going to pull the “or else” anyway.
(No one has confirmed this, but why else would Israel say that they would end Operation Cast Lead by the inauguration? They told us, but in a deniable way, what 0bama was saying.)

Ending Cast Lead was the worst thing Israel could have done at the time since Hamas was on the ropes and no one was looking to help them out. Israel was being pressured to stop by the incoming Administration, and what has Israel gotten in return? Several hundred kassams fired in the latest “cease-fire!” The only difference between this and the situation before Cast Lead is that Israel is responding quicker to the attacks, but they still aren’t putting boots on the ground in Gaza to stop the smuggling tunnels that remain Hamas’ prime source for obtaining weapons and equipment.