
PBS Posts Full Archived 1991 Obama Harvard Video

ausador3/07/2012 5:47:34 pm PST

So basically the entire intent of this “revelation” is going to be that Obama as the most prominent current black student at Harvard and editor of the law review gave an introduction to a black professor’s speech at a student protest?

I realize that on the Right it will not be presented like that, in their reality it will be spun as proof of radical/socialist(communist?)/community organizer Obama fomenting rebellion against the revered American Institution of Harvard Law School. They will claim he helped in demanding that a black woman be given tenure as a professor instead of a more qualified white man “simply for the sake of the kind of false “diversity” that is eroding America’s world leadership” in innovation, blah, blah, blah.

They will then play the “six degrees of separation” game to slander the professor as a radical/socialist(communist?)/Black Panther supporting/Racialist (what does that mean anyway?), and say that Obama’s support proves him a racialist too!

So basically this entire thing is going to be a hugely over hyped and overly dramatized typical piece of Breitbart style hyperbole. One designed solely to appeal to racist stereotypes and racial fear, hate, and mistrust?

They honestly think that this is going to gain any traction with anyone who isn’t already one of the “faithful?”

Yeah, good luck with that guys…