
How Big Is Mitt Romney's La Jolla Mansion?

Targetpractice3/27/2012 3:00:43 pm PDT

re: #103 allegro

I can’t wholeheartedly support Obamacare as it currently stands because the idea of being forced to pay into a corrupt for-profit medical insurance industry just chaps me. I hate doing it voluntarily, if by voluntarily you mean that I will get sick and die broke and homeless without it. If the mandate getting shot down would lead to single payer, I will happily pay for the bullets. If it means going backwards to the evil of the system before the reforms, ‘nother story.

If the mandate itself gets struck but the rest of the law ruled legal, then the political battle begins anew. Because voters won’t want to return to the previous status-quo, but the GOP’s been hard at work for two years now convincing them that the law is “socialism” and that old status-quo the ideal form of things.