
LIVE: Sarah Palin Is Babbling on Stage With Donald Trump

Pawn of the Oppressor1/19/2016 4:42:47 pm PST

re: #95 KGxvi

I hope he keeps the stories separate and doesn’t let the TV show spoil the book too much.

I don’t know how Trump and Palin would fit in Westeros. Cruz is a good fit - some kind of King’s Landing sleazeball, easy peasy. But the world of ASOIAF is so damned serious and brutal, there’s just not that kind of decadence, ignorance, and stupidity around for these types to feed off of, is there? Is there a society in Martin’s world where these two could exist?

Trump would be like, Littlefinger’s abusive drunk dad or something… I don’t know, I just don’t see them fitting.