
Thursday Night Jam: Becca Stevens Band, "Imperfect Animals"

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus1/22/2016 7:14:31 am PST

Well, the main Against Trump article over at NRO is now over 6500 comments and increasing every minute.

Typical is one just in:

ou812 • 2 minutes ago
I’m Hispanic and not reckless idiots.. The Republican establishment, meaning you, are in bed with the party that has destroyed the very fabric of this country. You have turned this country along with the democrats into a ruling class society. with hints of a dictatorship. You have the same “As long as we throw them scraps mentality” as the other party. You failed to listen to the people, that’s why you are the hole you are in and won’t get out for a very long time. By the people,for the people.. what part of this doesn’t the Republican and Democrat establishment understand. The citizens are fed up and will not let this country become Europestan and erode our Judeo/Christian Values and our freedoms. You along with the Democrats are responsible for the killings of Christians, Children and Homosexuals being thrown off buildings and rapes of women in the middle east. Religious or not.. we are taking the peoples country back from you thieves and liars. Trump doesn’t need to be president.. he wants to be president because he sees you destroying it from the inside. You got your 15 minutes of fame National Repuke.. now go away.

Couldn’t happen to a more deserving group of people.